
Gender: Male
Birthdate: May 2024
Health issues: None
Personality: Playful and affectionate
Special notes: Foster brother of Millie and Willie

Don’t let the pictures fool you, Matsu may have only a little bit of orange fur, but he’s all orange in personality! He tends to take an “act first, think maybe” approach to things which may require a bit more kitten-proofing than others, but his antics are guaranteed to make you laugh.

He tends to be quite shy at first, but once he gets to know you, you’ll have a buddy for life, complete with what his foster parents call the “purr-dozer,” where he will affectionately plow into your head while purring like a motorboat!

Matsu also loves other cats and has become quite smitten with his foster sister, Millie, and it would be wonderful if they could be adopted together.

