
Gender: Female
Birthdate: May 2024
Health issues: None
Personality: Playful and affectionate
Special notes: Foster sister of Matsu and Willie

Millie is a sweet, outgoing little girl with the heart of a lion! She has been fostered with Willie for some time now, and quickly learned to be fierce with her food to make sure he didn’t steal it. She will growl at other cats when eating, and intimidates her other foster brothers who are three times her size!

Millie loves people, and is quick to make friends. She purrs surprisingly loud for such a little thing, and purrs quite often! She loves to cuddle, and often settles down in your lap or near you. Millie gets along very well with her foster brothers Willie and Matsu who are also up for adoption, and it would be great if she could be adopted with one of them (or even both!)



