Champion & Captain

Birthdate: ~2015
Health issues: Currently none, see below for details
Personality: Cuddly and loveable
Special notes: None
They are the sweetest 9-year-old brother cats, bonded for life, making it impossible for them to be separated. They are very calm cats who enjoy sleeping next to each other. In the winter, they like to snuggle under the futon, keeping warm with their owners, and in the summer, they prefer to sleep nearby. They love to accompany you wherever you go, simply for the joy of being in your company. When you get home, they’ll be waiting at the front door, ready to greet you and cuddle up next to you.
They are identical in appearance, but you can tell them apart by their tails. Champion has a curled tail, while Captain’s tail is straight.
Health Issues:
In August, we had them both checked by the vet, and they were in good health.
Champion: In the past, he had issues with bladder crystals, but they were successfully treated.
Captain: Last August, one of his front teeth was removed due to an infection, but he has had no further issues since.